About word and phrase monitoring

When your users view something that is in a blocked theme, Smoothwall Monitor Self-service captures a screen shot and other details such as the user and device and logs it for you to view. You can view these in various ways to help you decide what action to take.

The Risk grading and profiling Page page shows you which users or devices have the highest amount of captures and which are the highest risk.

The Capture heatmap Page page gives you an overall idea of which words or phrases were the most captured for your selected group and duration.

The Capture listing Page page shows you a list of all the captures taken for users or devices for your applied filters.


Captures are triggered when a user's device displays something on the screen, which matches a word, phrase or website in a blocked theme. Smoothwall Monitor Self-service has built-in intelligence, which pregrades any captures of possible interest, to help you decide whether to act on the capture or not.

You can grade captures yourself to change the grading level higher or lower, or even remove the grading and mark the capture as a false positive. You don't always need to grade every capture because the pregrading is there to highlight captures of interest. However, grading a capture means you can bring the capture to another safeguarding officer’s attention. Although, there might be another reason why a capture was graded and so, do not assume that every graded capture is serious.

You can view the capture in the capture view window to view the grade level, apply the suggested grade level, change the grade level or write a comment. Grade levels range from one to five, with one being the least and five being the most serious level of incident. You can also mark captures as a false positive, which removes captures from the view with the filter applied. You can use the filter to include or exclude these from the view. You can give a grade level to a capture you have marked as a false positive.

To help you look at the capture more closely, you can open the captured image in a full screen internet browser window and from there print it. Although, we don’t recommend this, because you could expose the image to another unauthorized user. The capture process is entirely silent. Users don’t know that a capture has taken place. Some captures can be the precursor to some unacceptable use. Desktop captures of interest where the word or phrase is viewed on the screen such as part of a web page or application are more likely to be the results of a previous keyboard interaction.