Risk grading and profiling Page

Use this page to identify users that are creating captures of interest.

Navigation: Word and Phrase monitoring > Risk grading and profiling.

Clear Removes all the applied filters and resets to the default filters to show all the data in your selected view.
TYPE Filters the data to only display captures for screenshots or keyboard captures.
CAPTURE THEME Filters the data for captures based on a specific theme such as "strong swear words" or "predators and strangers."
GROUPS Indicates the type of groups that you can search for. The default is "Overall," this displays all the data. Select anything other than "Overall" to display the LIST field.
LIST Only selected This field only displays once you select your GROUPS type. It filters the data for your choice, either with it included or excluded depending on your selection. Clicking Only selected or Exclude selected opens a list where you can choose your preference.
PERIOD Filters your data by a predefined duration.
CUSTOM PERIOD Filters your data by the duration that you want to view captures for. You can't select TO beyond today's date but FROM can be any date in the past.
Hide sidebar Collapses the Filters section to give you more space to go through the captures. Click the box to expand it again.
Risk grading and profiling
Graded Captures Filters the data shown to show only the captures that you have graded.
Unactioned captures Filters the data to show only the captures that you have not yet graded.
DISPLAY BY Changes the view to show the data by capture count, high risk percentage or by high risk count.
Doughnut The color of the doughnut indicates the level of grading severity for the captures taken. The number in the middle indicates the total amount of captures taken for the user and the user's name is shown below the doughnut. The information before the user's name is the client ID for your school or organization. If you are a site administrator, this is the same for each of your users. Administrators of more than one organization can see all the client IDs for their organizations.
Key Indicates the grade level for each color shown in the doughnut.
General Trends A graph showing the amount of captures by date and time.