About organizations

The organizations page is where all your schools or organizations that you registered at the on-boarding process are listed. You might only have one or you might have several. For example, if you are an all-through school with elementary and middle schools, a multi-academy trust, a local authority or a district that oversees multiple schools. You can only see the organizations that your administrator has added you to as an alerting or IT contact.

The names of the organizations are taken from the on-boarding form that you completed when you first bought Smoothwall Monitor and you cannot amend this. For each organization, you can maintain your alerting and IT contacts, view the alerts procedure that you selected on the on-boarding form and your license information.

Even if you only have one organization, you need to have it selected to open the other pages, for example, the dashboard, events or devices pages.

If at first login, you don't see any organizations, it could be that you've not been created as a contact for any organizations. You'll need to contact one of your IT colleagues or an alerting contact who has access and request that they add you as a contact for the organizations that you need to monitor.