Training Alerts

Use this page to view all the outstanding training that needs to be done by staff members.

Navigation: > Training Alert / View Training Records.

Training Alerts
Staff Name The staff member's name who has incomplete training.
Email The staff member's email address.
Alert Indicates that the listed staff member hasn't completed their safeguarding eLearning.
Pass / Fail
Passed Indicates how many have passed the safeguarding training.
Failed Indicates how many have failed the safeguarding training.
Passed First Time
Passed 1st Time Indicates how many have passed the safeguarding training on the first attempt.
Not 1st Time Indicates how many have failed the safeguarding training on the first attempt.
Completed Training
Staff Name The staff member's name.
Total Attempts The number of times that the staff member has tried to take the training.
Passed The number of times that the staff member has passed the training.
Failed The number of times that the staff member has failed the training.
Average Score The average score of the staff member's attempts.
Last Attempt When the staff member last took the training.
Score The score of the staff member's last attempt.
Expires When the staff member will need to retake the training. Training should be taken annually but if legislation changes, the training is updated, and everyone is reset and needs to retake the updated training.