About HTTPS inspection settings
The HTTPS inspection feature makes use of certificates to sign for HTTPS services, and a warning message displayed to users attempting to access HTTPS websites. You can change the SSL certificate used to sign for certificates within the HTTPS interception feature. You must make sure that your client devices trust this certificate. You can create a new certificate to use for these services. You can clear the cache of certificates generated for use with HTTPS inspection policies.
The URL used to present the warning page, refers to the Smoothwall Filter IP address. However, if a system redirection to host name setting is in place, you can force the host name to be used instead. You do this from the Hostname page, see our help topic, Changing the system's host name and how it identifies itself to the network.
Using BYOD Devices and HTTPS Interception Certificates
To help prevent BYOD users being presented with Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) warning pages, you can use the HTTPS Interception page, located on the Smoothwall Filter, to advise users to download and install a certificate. To guide you through the necessary steps, see our knowledge base article, Stopping the MITM Attack Warning When My Users are Using BYOD.