Restoring an archive

Note: If the archive you are restoring from has a different IP address to the current settings, you will need to make sure that your network infrastructure supports the configuration you are restoring to and you are able to access your Smoothwall Filter and Firewall user interface settings on the new IP address.



  1. On the SYSTEM menu, under the Maintenance submenu, click Archives.
  2. To restore an archive, you can either select an existing one from the list or upload a new file and then select it from the list.
    • To upload an archive file:
      1. Under the Upload section, type an Archive name and click Choose File.
      2. Select the archive file and click Open.
      3. Click Upload.
  3. Under the Archives section, from the list, select the archive that you want to use and click Restore.
  4. Scroll down the page to see a list of the components, select or clear the components that you want to include in or exclude from the restore and click Restore.
    • This might take a couple of minutes to refresh the page, whilst the Smoothwall Filter and Firewall applies the configuration from the archive file.
  5. For the changes to take affect, you need to restart your Smoothwall Filter and Firewall. In the warning message shown, click rebooted.
  6. Under the Shutdown section, click Reboot.