About archives

Archives contain a copy of your Smoothwall Filter and Firewall's settings so that you can use them to restore your setup or replicate configuration on another Smoothwall Filter and Firewall. For example, either in a centrally managed system or for a failover system, see our help topics, About system central management and About system hardware failovers. You can create an archive, store it on a removable media as a backup to either restore your Smoothwall Filter and Firewall or to replicate your configuration settings on another Smoothwall Filter and Firewall.

You need to assign a profile to an archive and specify the components you want backed up in an archive. You can create and assign up to 20 profiles and generate the archive automatically.

Ethernet settings when restoring to new hardware

When restoring settings from a backup archive, you might encounter issues if you don't consider your Ethernet settings when restoring, see our knowledge base, Tips on restoring settings from a backup archive.