
If you can't find what you're looking for in this user assistance, for the quickest way to resolve your issue, contact your Tech Director or School administrator. Please be aware that if you contact Smoothwall support directly, your issue might take a little longer to resolve because your Tech Director or School administrator are registered customer contacts.

Classroom Manager gets its information from Google so if there's an error or a lack of information please check your Google account first. Check that your device and the student's devices are switched on and connected to the network, the network has access to the internet, and that the student is logged in.

If you can't log in

Check that you can log into Google and if you can't log into Google then the issue is with Google. However, if you can log into Google but not Classroom Manager then you need to contact support.

If no classes are showing on the My classes page

There might be an error in syncing. Log into Google and check your classes. If you can see your classes are fine but still can't see your classes on the My Classes page, raise a support request.

If you can't see any of your students in the Student list page

Log into your Google Classroom and check that you have all of your students there. If you still can't see your expected students raise a support request. If there is a student present but the student is not connected on the list, you need to check that the student's device is switched on and the student is logged in their device.

If you can't start a session

If you get an error when starting a session, log out of Classroom Manger and try logging in again. If you still can't start the session, you should contact support.

If you can't take a snapshot or the Session page isn't showing one or more student's screens

Check your and your student's network connection. You should go and check the student's screen but you should still be able to see this in the displayed URL.

A student has disappeared during an active session.

On the grid view the students status can be seen. The student needs to restart their Chromebook.

A student using Windows can't log back into their device

If user logs out of their device and the teacher issues a lock, the student does not see the lock overlay. It looks like they can successfully attempt to log in. However, because the lock is actually in place behind the scenes, it doesn’t actually submit their given password, because the lock prevents it. Therefore, the student is told that their password is incorrect, but in fact all they are doing is submitting enter. This could have the effect of confusing a user into locking out their machine by entering the “wrong” password multiple times. The only fix is for the teacher to unlock the device, to allow keyboard entries to be made again.

A student using Windows restarts their computer but I can't reconnect them the session

You need to click the Student tab, select them, remove them, and then repeat to add them back into the session.

Can a student get around the lock when using Chromebook by closing and reopening Chrome?

If a student closes Chrome and you have locked their device, when the student reopens Chrome, they will see the homepage, but if they try to do anything the lock page is displayed.