Use this page to navigate to various User Portal functions and to get important information from your Smoothwall administrator. Your Smoothwall administrator can customize the message that you see here.

Note: The available menu options are determined by your credentials and your administrator might have turned off some of these functions for you.

Menu item Description
HOME Returns to the home page.
BAN LOCATIONS Ban web access for specific locations.
USERS Temporarily bans web access for users.
BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENT Indicates that bandwidth classes can be turned on or off quickly.
FILTER LIST Customize filter lists by adding or removing website domains or search terms to or from filter lists.
LIST GROUPS Add or remove filter lists to a group.
POLICIES View filter policies.

Tests if content for a specified URL is available to a user at a specified location and time. You can also request that your administrator block or unblock a URL.

Note: To make a request, your administrator needs to configure the Smoothwall Filter and Firewall with an outgoing mail server.

REPORTS Generate reports.
SAFEGUARDING Investigate safeguarding breaches by users.
LOG OUT Signs you out from the Smoothwall User Portal.
downloads Displays a list of software your User Portal system administrator has made available for download from the Smoothwall User Portal.