Installing the Smoothwall Filter Guardian module


Check your system is up to date:

  1. On the SYSTEM menu, under the Maintenance submenu, click Updates & releases.
  2. Click Refresh updates list to make sure that you've all the latest updates installed on your Smoothwall.
  3. If there are any updates available, download and install them.


  1. On the SYSTEM menu, under the Maintenance submenu, click Modules.
  2. In the Available modules list, select Guardian and click Install. Your Smoothwall installs the Smoothwall Filter Guardian module.
  3. On the SYSTEM menu, under the Maintenance submenu, click Shutdown.
  4. Select Immediately and click Reboot.
  5. After your Smoothwall has rebooted, authenticate yourself again and log in. You're now ready to start configuring and using the Smoothwall Filter.

Follow-up task

Get the latest blocklists:

  1. On the SYSTEM menu, under the Maintenance submenu, click Licenses.
  2. In the Block list subscriptions area, click Update. The latest blocklists are downloaded and installed.