Performing daily tasks
The links listed here take to you to our help topic for each of those tasks.
- Add a URL to a category, see our help topic, Creating custom categories.
- Quickly block or allow a web site, see our help topic, Blocking or allowing a URL or domain instantly.
- Create a new category, see our help topic, Creating custom categories.
- Choose categories to bypass authentication, see our help topic, Creating authentication exceptions.
- See which web sites users are visiting now, see our help topic, Web filter Page.
- See which web sites users have visited, see our help topic, Web filter Page.
- Run a report, see our help topic, Generating reports.
Users and groups
- Ban, or remove a ban from a user, see our help topic, Banning users temporarily.
- Exempt local IP addresses from filtering, see our help topic, Exempting devices from web filtering.