Use case examples

A multitenant system can be deployed in the following scenarios:

  1. A local education authority, with multiple schools and colleges to administer:
  2. Core Element Example Deployment
    Tenant configuration

    Each separate school, or college is a single tenant, with:

    • 1 x IP address range for teachers within that tenant
    • 1 x IP address range for students within that tenant
    Authentication services

    Each tenant uses two directory services:

    • Centrally provided authentication for teachers
    • Local authentication for students
    Filtering content categories, or content modifications

    Each tenant uses the following policies:

    • Each school and college have its own list of custom allowed sites, and custom blocked sites
    • System-wide policies that apply to teachers
    • System-wide policies that apply to school administration staff
    • System-wide policies that apply to student year groups
    Reporting system

    Reports are grouped into:

    • Needed by the Principal
    • Needed by the Heads of Year
    • Needed by the teachers
    User portal access

    Tenant administrators have access to the following User Portals:

    • A User Portal with full access — Typically, the Principal and ICT team would have access.
    • A User Portal with access to a limited set of reports, web access management, and filter policy management — Typically, used by Heads of Year, and Heads of Subject.
    • Note: An additional User Portal with the same operations available but a different report set, can be used to separate Heads of Year from Heads of Subject access.

    • A User Portal with access to web access management, and filter list management — Typically, used by all teachers.
  3. A healthcare authority, with separate hospitals to administer:
  4. Core Element Example Deployment
    Tenant configuration

    Each separate hospital is a single tenant, with:

    • 1 x IP address range for nursing staff
    • 1 x IP address range for administration staff
    • 1 x IP address range for patients
    Authentication services

    Each tenant uses two directory services:

    • Centrally provided authentication for nursing and administration staff
    • Local authentication for patients
    Filtering content categories, or content modifications

    Each tenant uses the following policies:

    • A separate filtering policy for patients
    • System-wide policies that apply to both staff and patients
    Reporting system The full range of reports are available to use.
    User portal access

    Tenant administrators have access to the following User Portals:

    • A User Portal with full access — Typically, used by hospital management and IT teams
    • A User Portal with access to all except web access management — Typically, used by administration staff