Adding tenants


Before you set up a multitenant system, consider your:

  • Tenant configuration
  • Authenticated users
  • Tenant-specific filtering policies
  • Smoothwall User Portals


  1. On the SYSTEM menu, under the Administration submenu, click Tenants.
  2. To add a new tenant, click Add new tenant, and type a Name for the tenant.
  3. Enter the IP address ranges assigned to the tenant, one per line and click Add.

Follow-up tasks

Note: Before you can delete a tenant, you must remove the association of any directory services assigned to that tenant.

  • To edit a tenant, place your mouse cursor over the relevant tenant and click Edit, in the Edit Tenant dialog box, adjust the configuration and click Save changes.
  • To delete a tenant, place your mouse cursor over the relevant tenant and click Delete.
  • To delete multiple tenants, mark the ones to delete and click Delete.