Administrative users Page

Use this page to manage administrative accounts, to control who has access to the various features of the Smoothwall.

Navigation: SYSTEM > Administration > Administrative users.

Add user
Username The name for the user account.
Password Passwords are case sensitive and must be at least six characters long.
Again Confirms the password.
Allow Two Factor enrollment Turns on two-factor authentication (2FA) for this user. Selecting this shows the user as Enrolled into Two Factor within the Current users table. The user needs to sign in to the Smoothwall Filter and Firewall, and then in the warning message at the top of the page, click Enroll for Two Factor Authentication. They need to use an authentication app on their smartphone, for example, Google Authenticator or Authy.
Comment The description of the user account.
Administrator Grants full permission to configure the Smoothwall.
Authentication service Grants permission to view the Authentication menu.
Bandwidth management

Grants permission to view the Bandwidth module menu.

Note: If the Bandwidth module isn't installed, you can't view permissions for it.

Guardian temporary bypass Grants permission to use the temporary bypass functionality on the block page.
Guardian Grants permission to view the GUARDIAN menu.
Log Grants permission to view the system log files.
Operator Grants permission to shut down or reboot the system.
Portal user Grants permission to sign in to the Smoothwall User Portal.
SMTP quarantine Grants permission to view the SMTP quarantine pages.
Realtime logs Grants permission to view real-time logs.
Reporting system Grants permission to view the reporting system.
Guardian room block controls Grants permission to manage blocking of location contents.
Temp ban Grants permission to change temporary ban status.
Guardian unblock controls

Grants permission to use the unblock controls on the block page.

Note: If you don't have a Smoothwall Filter license for the Guardian module, you can't view permissions for it.

VPN Grants permission to view the VPN menu.
Current users
Username The name for the user account.
Comment The description of the user account.
Allow Two Factor Indicates if you have selected the Allow Two Factor enrollment option for the user.
Enrolled into Two Factor Indicates if the user has enrolled themselves onto the two-factor authentication. The user needs to sign in to the Smoothwall Filter and Firewall, and then in the warning message at the top of the page, click Enroll for Two Factor Authentication. They need to use an authentication app on their smartphone, for example, Google Authenticator or Authy.
Mark Indicates that you have selected the user so that when you click edit the user's details are shown or if you click remove that this user is removed.