Adding child nodes to the parent node manually

  • If the name is the same as that of a child node already in the system, the existing child node is overwritten.
  • Any service objects or service object groups you create on the parent node are replicated to the child nodes in addition to their own service object configuration. These are prefixed with Replicated: in the relevant user interface pages, see our help topic, About service objects.


  1. From the parent node, on the SYSTEM menu, under Central management, click Child nodes.
  2. Click Add node and under the Node details section, enter a unique Node name to identify the node.
  3. Enter the IP/hostname and a descriptive Comment for the child node.
  4. Under the Node settings section, from the Replication profile list, select the replication profile to be deployed on the child node.
  5. To access logs and reports for this child node from the parent, select the Central logging option. Do not select this option if you want to view the child node’s logs on the child node itself.
  6. To be able to view node status from the Overview page on the parent, select the Allow parent to monitor status option.
  7. To turn on information sharing between the child and parent nodes, such as the Smoothwall Filter quotas that limit user access to web content, select the Allow information sharing option.
  8. Click Confirm, review the details and click Save.