About user access to User Portals

You can configure the Smoothwall so that a user uses a specific User Portal. This setting overrides group settings (see our help topic, Assigning user groups access to a User Portal).

For ease of access, you use your domain username and password to sign in to the Smoothwall User Portal. The Smoothwall verifies this against those received from the configured directory connection on the Directories page, hence why you only need to specify who is granted access.

If you're using a directory connection where the password is not "Smoothwall-verified", such as RADIUS Accounting, Google, or the IDex Directory, you can either:

  • Use a username and password combination from another configured directory connection that does support password verification (Active Directory, RADIUS Directory)
  • Create a Local Users directory connection (see our help topic, Managing directories) containing the usernames and passwords for your User Portal users, then add the same usernames here.