Configuring report output settings


Note: Even if you want to send an email to a single user, you must still create a group for them.

On the REPORTS menu, under the Settings submenu, click Output settings.

  • To send alerts and reports by email to an SMS:
    1. Under the Email to SMS Output System section, enter the host name, or IP address of the SMTP server to be used by the Smoothwall Filter and Firewall.
    2. Enter the Sender’s email address from which you want emails sent.
    3. Enter the SMS to address or recipient's email address to which you want to send the email.
      • If you want the contents of the SMS message body to be truncated to 160 characters, select the option.
      • If you need SMTP authentication, select the option to turn it on.
        • If you're using SMTP, you'll need to enter the Username and Password.
    4. For the SMS subject line and the SMS message body, enter one of the available placeholders.
    5. Click Save.
  • To send a report by email:
    1. Under the SMTP (Email) Output System section, enter the host name, or IP address of the SMTP server to be used by the Smoothwall Filter and Firewall.
    2. Enter the Sender’s email address from which you want emails sent.
      • If you need SMTP authentication or SMTP TLS encryption, select the option to turn it on.
        • If you select SMTP authentication, enter the Username and Password for it.
    3. Click Save.

Follow-up task

To test the output:

  1. In Send test to, enter the cell phone number or the email address of the person who is to receive the test.
  2. Click Send test.