Full report Page

Use this page to run reports for various time periods to show if they have breached any Safeguarding rulesets.

Navigation: Reports > Safeguarding > Full report.

Full report
Report against The safeguarding rulesets. These are predefined lists of criteria denoting browsing behavior. These include several Smoothwall Filter categories, both included and excluded, and a breach level.
Date range Custom date ranges have a limit of 31 days. This doesn't restrict how far back you can start the report from, just the length of time reported on.
Run report Runs the report.
Print Creates a PDF in your browser for the entire report and you can either safe the report as a PDF file or print it. Printing the Full report from this view expands the breaches for each user. Therefore, your report will be many pages longer. Consider narrowing the date range before clicking Print.
User (Group) The username and authentication group of the user who made the breach. Users are listed in the order of breach level plus frequency of the breach, from the most severe and frequent breaches down to the least.

A Safeguarding level is calculated for each breach, providing a visual indication of the severity of the breach:

  • Danger — Red label; breaches with this level should be acted upon immediately.
  • Caution — Yellow label; you should take the necessary action with these breaches.
  • Advisory — Blue label; this level advises that a Safeguarding breach has been detected.
Safeguarding The matched categories from that user's breach or breaches.
Print Only displayed when you place your mouse cursor over the user's name. Creates a printable version in your browser just for this user.
Date / Time The date and time of the Safeguarding breach.
Matched Safeguarding Categories The Smoothwall Filter category the visited site falls into.
Domain / URL / Search term The full URL of the website that was visited. The query parameters of the URL are hidden until you mouse-hover the URL. The domain is highlighted in bold. If a search was requested to any categorized terms, search terms are shown here, with the search engine used displayed in the Domain column.
Action Exclude the domain, URL or search term from the ruleset on future safeguarding reports.