About concern records

Concerns in Safeguard are a record of any notable concerns that a staff member in the school has about any of the students at that school. Any staff member registered in Safeguard can raise a concern but only a Designated Safeguarding Lead can manage concerns in Safeguard.

When you raise a new concern in Safeguard, this gets placed into a Latest Concerns list for your designated safeguarding lead (DSL) to review and decide what they want to happen.

If you're a DSL, to remove the concern from your Latest Concerns list, you can either mark it as read to move it to your Open Concerns list or mark it as closed. When you mark the concern as read, Safeguard notifies the staff member who raised it. When you mark a concern as closed, it is removed from your lists, but it remains on the student's chronology. You can also reply to the member of staff who raised the concern.