Creating new reports

Note: When you first on-board to Reports, you need to wait 24 hours before your data is indexed and you can report on your data.


  1. On the menu, click Reports.
  2. Click in the Tenant field, choose one of your tenants from the list, and click Next.
  3. Choose what you want to filter by, and then click Next:
    • To find out what an individual user was browsing, click in the User field and either scroll down the available list and choose a user or start typing the username to filter the list and click the user that you want to filter by.
    • To find out which devices have been used for suspicious behavior, click in the Device field and either scroll down the list or start typing the device name to filter the list and click the device to select it.
    • To find out who was accessing a particular site, click in the Domain field and enter the website address.
    • To find out which users were visiting a particular category of sites, click in the Category field and either scroll down the list or start typing the category name and click the category that you want to filter by.
  4. Choose the date range that you want the report to cover. Either enter the dates or click the calendar icon to open the date picker and choose a date from the calendar, and then click Next.
  5. Note: You can only query for the last 90 days but if you want a report for a longer duration, you must request this from support.

  6. Enter a meaningful Report name for your report and click Email CSV report.

Smoothwall Reports sends an email to the Recipient email address listed with a link to your generated report. When you click on the link, your browser opens and takes you to the Smoothwall Reports login page, where you need to log in before your report downloads in your browser.TEST