Adding administrative users


  1. On the SYSTEM menu, under the Administration submenu, click Administrative users.
  2. Under the Add user section, enter a Username and Password for the account.
  3. Reenter the password Again to confirm it and enter an optional descriptive Comment for the user account.
    • If you want this user to have two-factor authentication, select the Allow for Two Factor enrollment option. The next time the user logs in, they need to click the Enroll for Two Factor Authentication link in the warning message at the top of the page, scan the QR code and enter the six-digit code to confirm their enrollment. Once enrolled, the next time they enter their username to log in, the Two Factor Authentication Token box appears so that they can enter their authentication code.
  4. Select what you want to give the user access to on the Administrative users Page page and click Add.

Follow-up tasks

  • To change a user's password:
    1. Under the Current users section, select the user, and click Edit.
    2. Enter and confirm the new password in the Password and Again boxes and click Add to save the changes.
  • To edit an account:
    1. Under the Current users section, Mark the relevant account and click Edit.
    2. Edit the configuration enter and confirm the account password again and click Add.