Create an additional Certificate Authority on the secondary Smoothwall Filter and Firewall



  1. On the secondary system, on the NETWORK menu, under the VPN submenu, click Certificate authorities.
  2. Create a new local Certificate Authority.
  3. Create a new signed certificate for the secondary Smoothwall Filter and Firewall (this is used as the second local certificate of the secondary Smoothwall Filer and Firewall.
  4. Create a new signed certificate for any host whose VPN connectivity is managed by the secondary Smoothwall.
  5. Create a site-to-site or road warrior tunnel specification and choose the second signed certificate (created by the previous step) as the Local certificate.
  6. Export the local Certificate Authority and signed certificate created by step 4 to any host whose VPN connectivity is managed by the secondary Smoothwall.
  7. Create the remote tunnel specification (this could be a road warrior device or another site-to-site gateway).