Output Settings Page

Use this page to configure Monitor to send Alerts and Reports via an Email to SMS Gateway, and Alerts and Reports with SMTP (Email).

Navigation: Reports > Settings > Output settings.

Email to SMS Output System
SMTP server The host name, or IP address of the SMTP server to be used by the Smoothwall Filter and Firewall.
Sender’s email address The sender's email address. This should be a valid email address reserved and frequently checked for IT administration purposes. This might also be an email address that's registered with your email-to-SMS gateway provider.
SMS to address The formatting of the email's To: address according to the format needed by your service provider. This might be a regular email address, or it might need additional placeholders, such as, %%SMS%% to identify the destination of the SMS.
Truncate SMS messages to 160 characters Indicates that the contents of the SMS message body to be truncated to 160 characters, or if your email-to-SMS gateway service provider instructs you to do so.
Enable SMTP auth Turns on SMTP authentication.
Username If using SMTP authentication, enter the username.
Password If using SMTP authentication, enter the password.
SMS subject line The subject line of the SMS email as specified by your email-to-SMS service provider. This will often contain the %%SMS%% placeholder, as many email-to-SMS gateways use the subject line for this purpose.
SMS message body Additional placeholders and the content of the alert message. If you want to use the truncation from a point onwards, use the %%--%% placeholder to indicate its start position.
SMTP (Email) Output System
SMTP server The host name, or IP address of the SMTP server to be used by the Smoothwall Filter and Firewall.
Sender’s email address The sender's email address. This should be a valid email address reserved and frequently checked for administration purposes. This might also be an email address that's registered with your email gateway provider.
Enable SMTP auth Turns on SMTP authentication.
Enable SMTP TLS Turns on SMTP TLS encryption.
Username If using SMTP authentication, enter the username.
Password If using SMTP authentication, enter the password.